Happy Mama is a technology-equipped full spectrum doula practice, with a comprehensive maternity support platform, personalized programs, education, guidance, coaching, and advocacy. They provide physical, mental, emotional, holistic, social, and economic support for women from preconception to 12 months postpartum.
Happy Mama’s services, resources, and tools include:
- Pre-conception / Fertility Advocacy
- Prenatal Education and Tools
- Birth Doula
- Labor and Delivery Comfort Techniques
- Bonding and Adoption Support
- Postpartum Doula Support and Resources
- Grief and Loss Support
- Surrogacy
- Adoption Placing
Whether you are planning, expecting, or have recently delivered, they connect you to trusted resources and tools. They also provide access to a variety of maternal health professionals who cater to the unique needs of your journey. Happy Mama is available in English, Spanish, French, and 51 other languages with 24/7 support and secure data sharing with your care provider.