Meet Proud Daddy Darnell! 

Father figures are role models that set the standard for how your children will view other men. With Father’s Day just around the corner, we wanted to celebrate the importance of father figures in a child’s life. We asked BIH participant Armani Nelson-Williams to share a quote from her husband, Darnell Omari Williams, about the joy and experience of fatherhood. Here’s what  he says, and check out the loving photos of Armani, Darnell, and their darling little girl, Avani Williams.   

“My joy for being a father is being able to watch my daughter’s learning and knowledge expand widely. I think it’s definitely an eye-opener becoming a father because I get to show her the best version of myself which is healthy and compassionate qualities I didn’t get to receive growing up. Also, become her superhero in her eyes for helping the country and providing her safety at all costs.