President's Message

A Letter from NHA President and CEO Rudolph A. Johnson, III

Rudolph A. Johnson, IIIFor more than 95 years, the Neighborhood House Association (NHA) has created a legacy of improving the quality of life for the underserved in San Diego County. Today, NHA continues that proud tradition and provides much-needed services for thousands of families throughout the region.

NHA is the largest multi-purpose human services agency in San Diego County and serves more than 20,000 families each year. NHA’s programs include an array of services designed to meet the cultural, social, health and emergency daily living needs of local residents. Program service areas are focused on: Early Childhood Development, Health, Youth, Teenage Pregnancy Prevention, Seniors, Mental Health, Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Housing Counseling and Emergency Assistance.

NHA is also an economic catalyst. Through active procurement, employment opportunities, community development and corporate partnerships, NHA infuses millions of dollars back into San Diego every year. NHA has also recently launched its 10th program, InnoVisions, a social enterprise that provides a full array of affordable consulting services.

NHA has enjoyed the success of helping others achieve an improved quality of life and has solidified its presence throughout the region. Moving forward, it is the priority of NHA to continue its legacy and adapt to the needs of our ever-changing communities. From its beginnings in 1914 to the agency that stands today, NHA remains a “neighbor you can count on.”


Rudolph A. Johnson III
President and CEO