NHA Head Start Program Receives Federal Review Results ----No Deficiencies Noted

Neighborhood House Association (NHA) received its initial overview of findings from its triennial review of the agency’s Head Start program from the Administration for Children and Families (ACF). Between January 22 and February 3, 2012, ACF conducted its review of the entire NHA Head Start program. The review evaluated the over 2,200 competencies, protocols and procedures required of all Head Start Grantees, partners and delegate agencies.

NHA is pleased with the results of the ACF review. The ACF report found NHA did not have any programmatic deficiencies, or systematic issues in accordance with Head Start regulations. The findings indicate that NHA will not have to re-compete its Head Start grant and may continue to create a positive impact in the lives of over 8,000 Head Start families.

The findings highlighted several strengths of the NHA Head Start program that included the recognition of many Head Start Centers in “outstanding performance and obtaining professional development opportunities,” as well as recognition for meeting criteria from the San Diego County Office of Education Preschool for All program. In addition, the NHA Head Start program was recognized for innovative partnerships between delegate agencies that led to the improvement of pre-literacy and pre-math skills for children. 

The ACF review did note nine individual items of noncompliance by NHA and its delegate and partner agencies. “Noncompliance” findings are common during the review of Head Start Grantees across the country and are intended to be used for program improvements and modifications. The ACF report found NHA did not have any programmatic deficiencies, or systematic issues in accordance with Head Start regulations.  (click here for definitions of Head Start deficiencies and noncompliance)

NHA remains committed to working with ACF and all partner and delegate agencies to ensure full compliance with current Head Start regulations. Within 120 days, NHA will address all review findings and submit a corrective plan to ACF to ensure that an outstanding review record is maintained.

Click here for the NHA Release on Federal Review