Black Infant Health Comes to NHA


BIH Image for WebsiteNeighborhood House Association (NHA) is the new contractor and operator of San Diego County Black Infant Health. Effective July 1st, NHA officially began working directly with the County of San Diego to run the 24 year-old program, which provides case management to African-American mothers and mothers-to-be. According to County statistics, African-American infants are more than twice as likely to die during their first year of life compared to all of San Diego County’s infants combined. Services are now provided out of the Euclid Medical Center, located at 286 Euclid Avenue, Suite 308, San Diego, CA 92114.

NHA’s newest service will be housed with one of its flagship programs: NHA Early Head Start Services to Pregnant Women and Home-Based programs. With many years of experience aiding pregnant women and new mothers, NHA looks forward to creating a seamless linkage between the Black Infant Health and Head Start programs that will expand the care provided to an at-risk and underserved population in San Diego County.

Under the Black Infant Health Program, services begin when women are pregnant, and end two months after mothers complete a 10-week post-partum group. At this point, NHA hopes to allow eligible children and families enrollment into NHA’s Early Head Start program, where they can eventually transition to the NHA Head Start program when the child is of age. This partnership expands the range of service from pregnancy until the child is four years-old, and gives children and families access to the wealth of support, social services, and early childhood development the NHA Head Start program provides.

Visit the NHA Black Infant Health Program Page here.

Visit the  San Diego County BIH Webpage here.

View the full BIH Media release here.